Ko tōku hinengaro ….ka rere atu a …piki mamao ake …. ki te tihi o tōku maunga …ā Te Hurunga ō te Rangi …mārama ana taku titiro …te marino …..ka pa mai he hauangi ki aku papāringa
Te Hurunga ō te Rangi
Ngā parirau ō tōku hinengaro ka tau ki ngā au ngāwari, ngā wai wheriko ō tōku awa. Tēnei ko Hāparapara e oriori ana i āu.
Kei konei aku pūkaki, ko Mitiwai, Paratakuahi, ko Te Awa Tāpae me Waitāwhiri.
Ka puta au ki tātahi, ki te ākau āmio…ā ra ko Rutaia, tipuna whakamaumahara ki taku taha māui, kei Ōtuwhare.
Hīhipa atu au runga ake i a Ōmaruhuatau, Tāwhatupiro, Te Motunui, moutere tapu ….. Te Awa Tapae, Waitāwhiri, `Q Tane Kiore, Mā Tuahu …. kia mutu taku haerenga ki mua ō ngā rekereke ō Toihau, tipuna whare kei Waiōrore
Ko te Kuti, te Wera, te Haua …ko Apanui ē.
Kauri Architects is a practice which Tere Insley has set up after working as an architect for more than twenty years in some of the country’s largest architectural practices.
Over the past fourty years as a registered architect Tere has worked on a wide range of projects and has participated at all stages of the design and the construction process. Buildings range from educational to commercial, civic, medical and cultural buildings.
Kauri Architects is efficiently assisted by architectural technicians, engineers and other building professionals to deliver architectural and building projects.
Kauri Architects uses the New Zealand Institute of Architects GAP system which is a streamlined quality management system to guide and check architectural design from master planning through to the end of Defects
2023 Fellow NZIA
2018 – to present day. NZRAB Assessor reo Māori applicants for architectural registration
1986 Ministry of Works & Development, Rotorua Residency
1984 Registered Architect
1980 Architectural Graduate, Ministry of Works & Development, Wellington District
1980 Graduated School of Architecture, University of Auckland
Te Tini o Porou Stage 01 alterations, Te Runanganui o Ngati Porou
Stage 01 alterations to former DB Hotel, Kaiti. Conversion of two public bars and the Liquor Wholesale into Whanau Ora offices and Youth Services. The Liquor Wholesale became a Gym. Design, documentation, contractor procurement, construction
Hauhunga Marae: Whare nui, Whare kai and Administration for Ngati Rarua
C Company Memorial House, Gisborne Museum
Te Runanganui o Ngati Porou offices, Ruatoria alterations
Raparapa Ririki Outdoor pursuits / tourism for Te Runanganui o Ngati Porou
1920’s, 320m2 homestead at the base of Mt Hikurangi restored for outdoor education and tourist accommodation.
Projects prior to 2009 Registered Architect Ministry of Works and Development
Design, documentation, contract observation.
Selected projects:
Historic Places Trust Restoration reports for the following wharenui:
Te Kororia, Whakaara Tamaiti marae, Putaruru
Matua-a-iwi, Tokikapu marae, Waitomo
Te Kapua Whakapipi, Te Rangi-ita marae, Turangi
Te Poroporo, Whakatane
Te Ngawari, Oputao marae, Ruataahuna
Rangihouhiri, Whakatane
Taiwhakaea, Whakatane
Whakatane Courthouse
Project management construction. Manage delivery of Maori carving and installation.
Kawerau Fire Station extensions
Documentation and Project Management construction
Rotorua Fire Station
Project management construction. Engagement of carver and manage installationawerau
Kauri Architects
Hinehou Kohanga Reo, Western Springs
Design, documentation and construction.
University of Auckland, Kohanga Reo
Design and documentation
Kauri Architects
Committed to working with you. To design and construct buildings and environments which goes above and beyond your vision. For you, the whanau and the iwi